
  • rica posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    LOL…just trying to get used to this. This is buddypress, correct?

    • Yes, a white wrapper install with the twenty-twelve theme and minimal plug-ins. I just wanted a place where we can connect, but anyone is welcome to use it as they please.

      • Since you installed buddypress, you HAVE TO use a buddypress theme to activate the functions (yes, I am working on it too).


        • Since 1.7 we no longer have to run BuddyPress themes Rica. I’m testing various themes with it on another site, but so far all features seem to be working even on themes that haven’t been updated for several years. This site for example is running with a bare bones BP install and the default WP Twenty Twelve theme. The only BP switch that is off, is User Groups. Everything is now accomplished by plugins or creating blank pages that BP uses for community functions (Members, Blogs, Activity, etc.). Boone Gorges did a pretty good (but a little long) intro video on 1.7 if you’re interested.

        • @Rica Hmm..I keep forgetting to use the “mention” feature.