East Germany’s Stasi (State Security) is showing itself in our country today. This is a piece well worth reading and passing along for it is very telling.
I’m posting this in remembrance of those left behind in East Germany who couldn’t get out, for the families separated, and for the families that still to this day mourn them, and how it can and just might be happening here and now. Having family that couldn’t leave the East was very hard for those that legally immigrated to the US, no way could we get them out or even hear from them. We had only one letter from them when my grandmother passed on in the 1950′s. Most of that only letter was blacked out, by hand too. I love America, God Bless Her always and keep her free!
God bless my family always, I pray God is with you all. And thank you to Mr. King for writing this. ~Anna

By Colbert I. King, Published: May 17
The East German secret police were even more ruthless and relentless in operations against their own citizens. Political suppression in that communist state was total. There was no room for dissent. Thousands of East Germans were arbitrarily imprisoned for “internal security” reasons.
So it was especially galling to learn upon returning to the states in 1969 that the FBI had a counterintelligence program, known as COINTELPRO, that was, in some ways, as pernicious as the threat we were working against overseas.
Senate hearings in the 1970s revealed that the FBI, under the guise of protecting national security, had treated rights guaranteed by the First Amendment as little more than a collection of antiquated wishes best ignored.
With its surveillance of citizens, infiltration of civil rights groups and disruption of legal activities, the FBI’s counterintelligence program echoed the behavior of East Germany’s Stasi. The FBI acknowledges on its Web site that “COINTELPRO was later rightfully criticized by Congress and the American people for abridging first amendment rights and for other reasons.”
Fortunately, Congress reined in the FBI, placing it behind, and not beyond, the Constitution.
Where are we now?
The revelations that the Justice Department had secretly seized journalists’ phone records and that the Internal Revenue Service had targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status show that government’s heavy hand has not been lifted. Are these examples of COINTELPRO revisited?
Not quite, though they are disturbing… continue reading here, well worth it, thank you, Anna
What a touching story Anna! You only mentioned your grandmother. Did your grandfather make it out too? That is a great article by Colbert King! Thanks very much for sharing it with us. I hope it doesn’t come to that here, but I’m afraid it already is our reality and we just haven’t realized it. God Bless your family, AND you!
Neither,she wouldn’t leave and he died way before that from an epidemic,sweet man I was told.Uncle and 6 cousins were raised under this ,always wonder if any got out after 1989,hope so!:)
God bless you and yours too,thank you Neo and we mustn’t give up hope.,then they win for sure!
Just as disturbing is the idea that the giveittoment has words that they look for on the internet. IMO even those that are not Tea Party member etc. are being looked at as enemies of the state because we write that we do not agree with the take over of OUR Government by Traitors to OUR CONSTITUTION AND AMENDMENTS… Freedom to the press and WE THE PEOPLE!
Very disturbing times, we need to start getting our America back in 2014! agenda 21 = the left and right are in trouble,Christianity is too. Stupid libs!!