nota commented on the post, Oh Banana Peel!, on the site Stories and Dreams 11 years, 9 months ago
Tha stranger was in front of my across the street neigbors house. He really caused no problem other than my fur kids barking “stranger danger”.
I am using Nota’s Thoughts as a seperate site from Notas’ Place […] -
nota commented on the post, Trustees say Medicare exhausted in 2026, on the site Nota's Place 11 years, 9 months ago
Too true! I fit had been left alone when it was started it would have plenty of money in it but as usual the giveittoment could not do that, THIEVES ALL OF THEM!
nota commented on the post, Disturbing Abuse of Power , on the site Anna's Place 11 years, 9 months ago
Just as disturbing is the idea that the giveittoment has words that they look for on the internet. IMO even those that are not Tea Party member etc. are being looked at as enemies of the state because we write […]
nota wrote a new post, Trustees say Medicare exhausted in 2026, on the site Nota's Place 11 years, 9 months ago
nota commented on the post, DOJ ON GAYS: SILENCE WILL BE INTERPRETED AS DISAPPROVAL, on the site Nota's Place 11 years, 9 months ago
I hope everyone has the guts you have. This nonsense has to stop-NOW!
Allie and
nota are now friends 11 years, 9 months ago
nota commented on the post, Oh Banana Peel!, on the site Stories and Dreams 11 years, 9 months ago
He was not part of the dream….it is a seperate site. You can have as many as you want here. I just wanred to seperate it from the political…
nota posted a new activity comment 11 years, 9 months ago
I was very sick for several months this winter but I feel good now. You know me-nothing keeps me down.
The fur kids are a huge joy to me and yes they do keep me busy. I just do not know what I would do if I did not have them. -
nota posted a new activity comment 11 years, 9 months ago
It is different but not hard. I am so glad you came! How are you doing?
I’ve been doing OK. I had a long winter with one virus after the next and I’m not sure I’m on the mend even yet. However, I’ve really gotten into those cooking channels and my husband is loving it! I never knew I liked roasted vegetables but the Barefoot Contessa convinced me…
How have you been and are all your fur kids keeping you jumping?
nota and
irish are now friends 11 years, 9 months ago
nota posted a new activity comment 11 years, 9 months ago
I’ve been doing OK. I had a long winter with one virus after the next and I’m not sure I’m on the mend even yet. However, I’ve really gotten into those cooking channels and my husband is loving it! I never knew I liked roasted vegetables but the Barefoot Contessa convinced me…
How have you been and are all your fur kids keeping you jumping?
nota wrote a new post, Oh Banana Peel!, on the site Stories and Dreams 11 years, 9 months ago
Last night was interesting. There was a man in front of the house across the street. He was standing there and of course my fur kids were going insane barking at the stranger.
I went out and shone a flash light around and then at him to see who he was so if something happened I had a description. I gave the excuse I was wondering what the dogs were barking at.
He waited for hours for the neighbors’ to come home. When they did they spoke to him but did not invite him inside. The fur kids were barking the entire time they were talking.
During the night they continued to fuss and growl so my sleep was very light and disturbed.
Finally about daylight they settled down and I fell into a deep sleep.
Suddenly I developed a charlie horse. I woke up enough to bring my toes up so it would fade away…but I got out of bed and went to get a banana. I peeled it and put it on the charlie horse and using duct tape fastened it firmly to my leg. Back to sleep I went. When I woke up the charlie horse was gone but I had grown very hairy legs! I pulled the tape off and woke up screaming from the pain! It took a second or two to realize it was a dream and I was not really in pain…I had to check my legs though to make sure they were still hairless…LOL! -
Fountain and
nota are now friends 11 years, 9 months ago
nota created the site Stories and Dreams 11 years, 9 months ago
nota posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
@mamakat I am so glad you came !
mamakat and
nota are now friends 11 years, 10 months ago
nota commented on the post, NYT: OBAMA ADMINISTRATION KNEW OF IRS SCANDAL 5 MONTHS BEFORE ELECTION, on the site Nota's Place 11 years, 10 months ago
I surely hope so. This giveittoment needs to be stopped at all costs!
Anna and
nota are now friends 11 years, 10 months ago
nota changed their profile picture 11 years, 10 months ago
nota commented on the post, Hello world!, on the site Nota's Place 11 years, 10 months ago
Yes it does take a bit to get used to it. I had trouble posting until I hit the thunb tack…LOL!
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