About Sarah Palin, the scum of the earth will be crawling all over this story. The Upside is that Sarah Palin, is a tough one and I think she is doing this so she can fight back without having to have Alaska get the brunt of what is said about her. On her own, she can do and say what she pleases to fight back in the way she knows how, to fight against the injustice she sees happening in our Government, and for our Freedom and Liberty… I say to the people that have gone after her, the only difference between a “Pit Bull” and Sarah Palin, is LIPSTICK! Look out World, Here she comes!!
The previous Paragraph I wrote yesterday, and since then the Pundits have been all over this story, just as Sarah Palin said they would yesterday. I did hear some Positives this morning from the Pundit’s on Bulls and Bears. They said just what I was thinking, that Sarah Palin is doing this to become a voice for You and Me. She will now be free to fight against what she sees happening in the Obama Administration.
If you noticed when she talked about Alaska in her resignation News Conference, she has done well in that state. They have no TAXES. No personal Tax,NoState Income tax, and No sales tax. How nice would that be? Besides no taxes, she said that they have protected their 10th amendment rights.
Tenth Amendment: powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people
She may not be finishing her term as Governor, but I can only imagine that she felt that if she waited until her term was up, that it would be too late to get the word out to the people of this United States, that we are headed down the wrong Path, and our Constitution is in Jeopardy. If she is going to help America and make a difference in what this Administration is doing to our economy and the job market, she has to do it now before the final votes on National Health Care, and the Cap and Tax.
She also spoke of Alaska being Energy Efficient, because they have natural gas, and oil and are now drilling on a site that has never been drilled before. She has also created smaller government, in the State of Alaska.
The minute the announcement was made, the TV was buzzing with people talking negative about Sarah Palin. She expected that.
There are going to be a lot of Nay Sayer’s out there,who will take their shots at her, but Look Out, she is tough and will spit in their eyes. When she was running for Vice President with McCain, she could not speak out on her own defense because of what it may do to the campaign and McCain. Now she will be on her own, and like Rush Limbaugh, She can be a voice for America and the Conservative Party.
You called it right the first day Marian!
In an apparent rally to protect their own, all of the MSM has lined up against Sarah, including most of the very few we consider to be, or at least hope are fair. Even those who subscribe to philosophies that prevent them from a frontal attack on her, deliver caveats with whatever miserly praise they muster.
The Roman philosopher Seneca said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” The liberals who claim they hope we embrace Sarah, because they claim she is bad for the Republican Party, are in a frenzied panic to prove that she has made some fatal political faux pas in resigning. The truth is that, they will never willingly give her opportunity to rise, or remain in national politics because they fear her popularity.
It seems more evident to me every day that Sarah Palin has embarked on a mission to forge opportunity for herself and so far, she seems quite capable of doing just that. The news media has not been so outclassed by a public figure, since the days of Ronald Reagan. The best news for us now, is that whether Sarah ever decides to run for President or not, we are reaping the benefit of finally having a real American publically fighting FOR America.
A great post Marian, and I agree with you completely!
Neo, I agree,
She is a fighter and we already know what she will fight for.. I will stand by her no matter which way she goes, because she will be on the side of Partiotic American’s and on the Side of God.!
Thanks Neo for your comments…
raggedyann, we already know the left will try and destroy her, but I really think she will swing hard at what is going on in this Administration. I really don’t know if she would have a chance of running for President in 2012. I think it will be too soon for her…. Especially if she speaks out against the Democrats. It remains to be seen.
BTW, love the Avatar
I agree with you, and she will fight for America. I think the main goal of Democrats besides giving us a socialist and marxist country is to destroy Republicans, and conservatives.