When addressing the IOC in Copenhagen for the 2016 Olympics in Chicago, Michelle said that going there was a sacrifice for her, Oprah, and the President.
Where is the Sacrifice that Michelle Obama talked about? Is it that they missed
A date night? That they had to leave the kids with Grandma in the Cozy little
Cottage where they live in Washington DC, called the White House?
In Michelle’s bid for the Olympics being held in Chicago she told of watching the Olympics with her father on the sofa, and how much it would mean to have the Olympics in her father’s home town even though he has passed away. I’m sure that Moved the IOC to grabbing a box of tissues. She also told them that Sports were so important to Children and so many at this time are over weight. That the Olympics could inspire them to become another Barack Obama. Another tissue moment!
Getting back to the sacrifice, I am still wondering what sacrafice? Was the trip in the 727 they flew in, a bumpy ride? Was the shopping and the luncheons that they went to not as pleasing as they had expected? Just what was it that made going to Copenhagen a sacrifice? No Home grown vegetables?
How egotistical is that to stand before the IOC, and tell the committee that you suffered a great sacrifice to be standing before them?
Both Obama’s talked to the IOC in their speeches about how the Olympics was so Important to them personally. Their speeches were not about America, or even how it would be great for Chicago, but how President would love to be able to have it so close to his home. How it would accent the end of his Second term as President. All the while he was speaking from his heart, he took the words straight off of his beloved TelePrompTer. I have no idea who writes his words for him, but they need to take a look at how much he uses “ME” and “I” words.
They also need to pay attention to how much he puts down America and gives the impression that now that he is POTUS the UNITES STATES is now a KINDER Gentler Place in the World. An Allstate moment? “Your in Good Hands With Obama? This is all so egotistical.
Michelle must think that for the first time in her adult life, she has learned that she can not have everything she or the President wants.
This should be a learning moment for this President, in that if he is a good student, should be able to see that he is not the “Be all and End all he professes to be in his speeches. He is not the Messiah nor is he any better than ay other President that has held this office, and worse than some.
I myself am very happy to see the Olympics go to Rio, since South America has never had an Olympics. I think of the weather for the Athletes, and what a beautiful venue that will be. I will be excited to watch it unfold.
While the Obama’s stressed in their “How important” the Olympics are and how much they love them, they did not venture over to China to the Winter Olympics in 2008.
I wonder, is Chicago kicking in to pay for this IOC Moment?
Very well written Marian! You have nicely stated just what I believe most of us feel. The problem for the Obamas is, for them, there is no such thing as a “learning moment.” It is clear they both have lived their lives thinking themselves the center of the universe. Now that the American propaganda service has vaulted atop the political garbage heap, they are convinced that they were always right. This rejection of their greatness, is long forgotten in both of their minds, being put off to some other cause that is not their fault. Perhaps they are thinking it was something they “inherited from the previous administration.” LOL Thanks for another great article!!