Tag Archives: Community Organizing

ACORN Investigating ACORN??

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3cpw1h2aAE[/youtube]Now we have an investigation into ACORN, but is the Congress doing it? Is the DOJ doing it? Nooooo!! ACORN is going to launch an investigation into ACORN!! Hows that For Liberals taking care of business?? Crimes are rampant in this group and others like SEIU, and they will investigate it themselves? YIKES!! That would be like Dodd investigating Rangle or visa versa!! May the Good Lord Help us all!! Have you ever heard of “Too many cooks spoil the Soup”? Well, too many Crooks are spoiling this country!!
Chicago-style politics has found a new home in the White House.
This is the way that Chicago politics works. It is all below the level of legal, and all is good as long as each group covers for the other group.
Remember that President Obama was ACORN”S  lawyer. What did he do for them you ask? He fought a large Bank To make sure that ACORN could get loans for people that would not normally qualify.
Part of Obama’s work,as a Community Organizer  it would appear, was to organize demonstrations, much in the same way that radical groups like Acorn does.
As I started writing this post, of course I was really ticked off because of
A couple of reasons. One reason is the obvious, that they are a corrupt organization. Another is that we have a President that I suspect will try
And protect them at all cost, because the are cheap labor. The other is that
The people that work for ACORN are taught to cheat the American people
On voting, housing, and the IRS. While doing this, they have no clue that they
Are expendable and if they are caught, the higher ups will throw them so far
Under the bus that they won’t ever get out!!
Yesterday while I was writing this, the senate Voted to stop all funding to ACORN  Housing pending investigations.
Here are the Senators who voted for ACORN to keep the funding.
Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Roland Burris (D-IL)
Robert Casey (D-PA)
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Take note of who and where these guys are.
As I understand it, this only has to do with the housing. We also need an Investigation into cheating of the IRS!
Update (AP): Man, this house of cards is toppling fast:
Meanwhile, Jerry Schmetterer, director of public information for the Kings County District Attorney’s Office, told FOXNews.com that officials will be “taking a look” into Brooklyn’s ACORN office.
“We are going to be taking a look at the situation,” Schmetterer said Monday.
A spokesman for Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said ACORN’S tax status as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization should also be probed.
“We’ve already seen the Census Bureau severe its tie with ACORN,” the spokesman, Kurt Bardella, told FOXNews.com. “Certainly, as an organization being subsidized by taxpayer dollars, their relationship with other government entities should be called into question, and whether or not it’s appropriate for them to receive taxpayer dollars.”
Has The One opened his mouth yet to say anything about his pals being in such dire straits?
Here is an excerpt from the WSJ(Wall Street Journal)
Acorn Runs Off the Rails
‘We’re just community organizers, just like the president used to be.’
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009, 7:12 A.M. ET
On Monday, the U.S. Senate voted 83-7 to strip Acorn, the premier community organizing group on the left, of more than $1.6 million in federal housing money meant to assist low-income people obtain loans and prepare tax forms. This dramatic step followed last Friday’s decision by the U.S. Census Bureau to sever its ties with the organization, one of several community groups it was partnering with to conduct the nation’s head count.
Another interesting Article on ACORN with background is found here:
Remember Obama’s Resume’? The only thing on it was being a “Community Organizer”. Now if my Resume looked like that I would stuff it with all my accomplishements from my college back ground. I would add refrences to any papers I had written, and any side jobs I had done. His Resume’ was void of these things. What about his being President of the Law Review, don’t you have to write a paper to get your JD degree?
You won’t read this in the “Lame Stream Media”!!

You can’t send a weight lifter Olympics as
a pole vaulter
and expect him to bring home the gold.