These terrorists are not into tea and crumpets and a little chat, they are out to destroy us and they don’t care if you are a liberal or a conservative.
They didn’t take a head count or talk to the people they killed before they flew planes full of people into the Twin Towers now, did they? That was true torture!! Those people had to live through sheer TERROR for the last minutes of their lives!! ” Some were talking to their loved ones on the phone for the last time to tell them they loved them. Now with this new administration, captured prisoners are supposed to be given their rights???? On Foreign Soil to Terrorists??? This is not a police action!! This is War! And Yes, you can call it anything you like, but this is a WAR on TERROR against TERRORISTS!! After our soldiers read them their rights, then what will they do with them? Take their name and address and look them up later? Turn them in to the the Taliban and file a complaint? Give them juice and coffee and a Koran? Pray with them?I say if we can not treat them like enemy combatants, then TAKE NO PRISNERS!! Here is our Attorney General investigating the CIA that helped keep us safe for eight years. They will now put the interrogation of foreign Captives in the hands of our White house!! We have already seen how our President treats our enemies, and how he treats our allies. Big difference. He bows to and back slaps our enemies and skips out on dinner plans with our allies, to dine with is wife on one of their many expensive Dates!! Boy, I can’t see that as the most important thing on the agenda on an overseas trip for a President!!… If he can’t stick to his commitments on business on a trip, then leave the wife at home.What our Attorney General should be investigating, is the CZARS sitting in our White House as President Obama’s advisors. They are protected from any investigation by the Congress and are free wheeling to do as the President wants or what they want. What does the President want them to do? He has no clue, that’s what he has them for, to advise him!! That is scary as Hell!!Now that we have broadcast to the world and the terrorists that our government is investigating our Intelligence agency, what is left of our Security and how is this going to affect our troops on Foreign lands? And How will this affect our ability to stay safe in our country?? This is a Huge Mistake!!
Pray for us all!!