The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and Crying Racist?

Lloyd Marcus
Does everyone remember the story about the young boy that
Cried wolf? It was about a  boy that had to go out into
The fields and tend the sheep at night. He was told that
If a wolf came to call his elders and they would come help
After a time in the fields, the young boy became very lonely,
So one night he decided to give the call that would bring the
Towns people out to the fields. So he did, and it worked.
The people came out in numbers, and the young boy then
Had the company he wanted.  He told the people that the wolf
Had gone, but he had achieved what he set out to do. He was
Not lonely that night.
For the next five nights the boy did the same thing. He called
The town out and said there had been a wolf. The people were
Getting tired of coming out in the night on false claims.
On the sixth night, the boy did see a wolf. He made the call loud
And clear to the town, and no one came. The wolf chased away
The sheep and killed the boy.  And the Moral of the story is??
People that are crying Racist at anything  that any person says
About the policies of this administration are basically doing the
Same thing, as the boy who cried wolf.
There was a time when if you called some one a racist it meant that
It WAS disgusting thing. The word racist is being thrown around like
The “F” word so much that it is loosing it’s meaning.
Not only are they calling white people racist, they are also turning on
Black people who do not agree with This Administration.
Lloyd Marcus who traveled with the Tea Party Express to march on
Washington DC last week, has been called a Racist., and received
Hate e-mail on his site. Since this word Racist is being thrown around
So freely by people on the left even if directed at Black people that
Have a differing opinion about what direction this President is taking
This country, the word becomes meaningless! It becomes 
 Meaningless because of the fact that you now have black people calling
Black people Racists…. What a foolish thing to do. You can like the
President and still disagree with his policies and you are not a racist
Whether you are “Black” or  “White”. People, use your common Sense!!
Please read this OP-ed by Lloyd Marcus
This is an excellent article!!

6 thoughts on “The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and Crying Racist?

  1. neo

    Great article and video Marian!! Lloyd Marcus is cool!!! The story of his life and upbringing make him even more credible in his stand for liberty. He was not born with a gift of flowery speech, but he is so determeind and so correct in his logic and principles, that he overpowers anyone who tries to argue with him! Thanks for this post! 🙂

    1. marianr Post author

      Neo, Lloyd Marcus caught my eye with his first Tea Party
      and he has been involved since then. I love his message
      and his music. I am going to buy his album, as it has some
      very good songs. He and other Black people are proof that
      this movement has nothing to do with Race. This is a sick
      notion and it is wearing thin.
      Thank you for stopping in and your comments Neo

  2. raggedyann

    I think the ones who scream “racist” the loudest are the most guilty, and I think most people are tired of it. The Democrats were planning on using the race card when they chose Obama. Now I think they they are beating a dead horse. Your analogy is correct.

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