ACORN Investigating ACORN??

[youtube][/youtube]Now we have an investigation into ACORN, but is the Congress doing it? Is the DOJ doing it? Nooooo!! ACORN is going to launch an investigation into ACORN!! Hows that For Liberals taking care of business?? Crimes are rampant in this group and others like SEIU, and they will investigate it themselves? YIKES!! That would be like Dodd investigating Rangle or visa versa!! May the Good Lord Help us all!! Have you ever heard of “Too many cooks spoil the Soup”? Well, too many Crooks are spoiling this country!!
Chicago-style politics has found a new home in the White House.
This is the way that Chicago politics works. It is all below the level of legal, and all is good as long as each group covers for the other group.
Remember that President Obama was ACORN”S  lawyer. What did he do for them you ask? He fought a large Bank To make sure that ACORN could get loans for people that would not normally qualify.
Part of Obama’s work,as a Community Organizer  it would appear, was to organize demonstrations, much in the same way that radical groups like Acorn does.
As I started writing this post, of course I was really ticked off because of
A couple of reasons. One reason is the obvious, that they are a corrupt organization. Another is that we have a President that I suspect will try
And protect them at all cost, because the are cheap labor. The other is that
The people that work for ACORN are taught to cheat the American people
On voting, housing, and the IRS. While doing this, they have no clue that they
Are expendable and if they are caught, the higher ups will throw them so far
Under the bus that they won’t ever get out!!
Yesterday while I was writing this, the senate Voted to stop all funding to ACORN  Housing pending investigations.
Here are the Senators who voted for ACORN to keep the funding.
Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Roland Burris (D-IL)
Robert Casey (D-PA)
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Take note of who and where these guys are.
As I understand it, this only has to do with the housing. We also need an Investigation into cheating of the IRS!
Update (AP): Man, this house of cards is toppling fast:
Meanwhile, Jerry Schmetterer, director of public information for the Kings County District Attorney’s Office, told that officials will be “taking a look” into Brooklyn’s ACORN office.
“We are going to be taking a look at the situation,” Schmetterer said Monday.
A spokesman for Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said ACORN’S tax status as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization should also be probed.
“We’ve already seen the Census Bureau severe its tie with ACORN,” the spokesman, Kurt Bardella, told “Certainly, as an organization being subsidized by taxpayer dollars, their relationship with other government entities should be called into question, and whether or not it’s appropriate for them to receive taxpayer dollars.”
Has The One opened his mouth yet to say anything about his pals being in such dire straits?
Here is an excerpt from the WSJ(Wall Street Journal)
Acorn Runs Off the Rails
‘We’re just community organizers, just like the president used to be.’
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009, 7:12 A.M. ET
On Monday, the U.S. Senate voted 83-7 to strip Acorn, the premier community organizing group on the left, of more than $1.6 million in federal housing money meant to assist low-income people obtain loans and prepare tax forms. This dramatic step followed last Friday’s decision by the U.S. Census Bureau to sever its ties with the organization, one of several community groups it was partnering with to conduct the nation’s head count.
Another interesting Article on ACORN with background is found here:
Remember Obama’s Resume’? The only thing on it was being a “Community Organizer”. Now if my Resume looked like that I would stuff it with all my accomplishements from my college back ground. I would add refrences to any papers I had written, and any side jobs I had done. His Resume’ was void of these things. What about his being President of the Law Review, don’t you have to write a paper to get your JD degree?
You won’t read this in the “Lame Stream Media”!!

You can’t send a weight lifter Olympics as
a pole vaulter
and expect him to bring home the gold.

Clunkers, The Untold Story!!

Clunkers the untold

A vehicle at 15 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 800 gallons a year of gasoline.

A vehicle at 25 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average clunker transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles – so that’s 224 million gallons / year.

That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.

5 million barrels of oil is about ¼ of one day’s US consumption.

And, 5 million barrels of oil costs about $350 million dollars at $75/bbl.

So, we all contributed to spending *$3 billion* to save $350 million…

How good a deal was that???

No doubt, they’ll probably do a great job with health care though!



I recieved this link to an article this moring featuring my cousin who is confined to a wheel chair after an accident that has left him without the means to get up and walk, but never took away his faith in God or his zest for life and the fight to succeed.  Being raised Seventh Day Adventist, his faith was ingrained in his soul  before the accident in which the scafold he was on gave way throwing him to the ground with a bundle of roofing materials landing on his head. Michael, (we call him Mike) has over come many hardships, but has always retained a great sense of humor.  He is an inspriation to many.

The construction company Mike worked for at the time of the accident did not carry insurance on their workers, and so it was an uphill battle with doctor bills.  His wife could not face this tragedy and soon left him, so he has been living with his mom and dad for all the years since the accident. They are an amazing family and have the same faith of course that Mike does and this has seen them through.

The Home that my cousin’s live in, in Cookville, Tennessee sits on a hill and backs up to a forest. After a time of healing Mike being an out door person all his life, needed a way to get out into the woods. That can be a difficult challenge if you are confined to a wheelchair. Wheel Chairs do not roll over the Forest Floor too easily. So Mike set about the task to have a wooden path built from thier back door out into the forest, and it is the most awesome thing I have ever been on. When I visited, I took that walk out into the Forest all  by myself and never felt so close to Nature or God in my life. The sounds and the sights were amazing. I could see why Mike loved this spot so much. As I walked ablong the path, it got even better, as they had built a bridge over a little gorge. The Beauty and the peace was something I will never forget. His goal for that spot is to build a Wheel Chair Accessable tree house so him and others can have the experience to going up to be closer to God.

 Now that Mike has gotten his Contractors license he is going to build green houses that are accessable to people in wheel chairs and special needs. He is all about giving back even though he has his limitations.

A few years ago unbenown to Mike, the students he graduated with from the Adventist Academy, held a fund raiser and at a party that Mike did not know was being held for him.  He was presented with a Wheel Chair Accesable Van, that had also been fitted with the equipment that he could drive himself. I remember him sending me an e-mail after he took it out for the first time, and telling me how it felt to have the freedom to take himself to Wal-Mart and the Post Office.

With the Healthcare bill that Congress and this Administration wants, Mike would have been seen as a person that was of no use in Society. I beg to differ with this government as you look around you there are so many productive People in society that have lost limbs and it dosen’t stop them from acheiving certain goals. Many double amputees have gone back to fight again in the war against terror and once again stand with many other heros.

I have given you my version of my cousin as my Hero, but here is the link to the Cookville, TN Paper that has an article about him.


A unique Approach to doing business

Laura Gwinn

Herald-Citizen Staff
Sunday, Sep 06, 2009


Back in the days of the  Civil War, prisoners were threatened with Hanging. If they didn’t talk, they were hung from the highest tree. Now there’s an alternative!!
These terrorists are not into tea and crumpets and a little chat, they are out to destroy us and they don’t care if you are a liberal or a conservative.

They didn’t take a head count or talk to the people they killed before they flew planes full of people into the  Twin Towers now, did they? That was true torture!!  Those people had to live through sheer TERROR for the last minutes of their lives!! ” Some were talking to their loved ones on the phone for the last time to tell them they loved them.  Now with this new administration, captured prisoners are supposed to be given their rights???? On Foreign Soil to Terrorists??? This is not a police action!! This is War! And Yes, you can call it anything you like, but this is a WAR on TERROR against TERRORISTS!!  After our soldiers read them their rights, then what will they do with them? Take their name and address and look them up later? Turn them in to the the Taliban and file a complaint? Give them juice and coffee and a Koran? Pray with them?I say if we can not treat them like enemy combatants, then TAKE NO PRISNERS!! Here is our Attorney General investigating the CIA that helped keep us safe for eight years. They will now put the interrogation of foreign Captives in the hands of our White house!! We have already seen how our President treats our enemies, and how he treats our allies. Big difference. He bows to and back slaps our enemies and skips out on dinner plans with our allies, to dine with is wife on one of their many expensive Dates!! Boy, I can’t see that as the most important thing on the agenda on an overseas trip for a President!!… If he can’t stick to his commitments on business on a trip, then leave the wife at home.What our Attorney General should be investigating, is the CZARS sitting in our White House as President Obama’s advisors. They are protected from any investigation by the Congress and are free wheeling to do as the President wants or what they want. What does the President want them to do? He has no clue, that’s what he has them for, to advise him!! That  is scary as Hell!!Now that we have broadcast to the world and the terrorists that our government is investigating our Intelligence agency, what is left of our Security and how is this going to affect our troops on Foreign lands?  And How will this affect our ability to stay safe in our country?? This is a Huge Mistake!!

Pray for us all!!


Keep Blogsterfiles Going!!

I am a member of this Blog, and I hate to see it go down the tubes because of one member. I will miss RC’S  Blog Posts but I can’t see ruining this site because of one person. I know that the administration has put in many hours of  time to set this up so we could have an alternate site to blog in, and I for one will still be coming here, unless he decides to close it down.

I have noticed that some of the bloggers here have taken their posts and avitar’s down, and I cannot for the life of me see how they can hold the administrator here responsible for one of the bloggers actions. 

If some one wrote you a letter and told you that one of your friends had died, and asked you to let all the other friends know, and tell them how it happened, and to show them the Obituary, would you pass that message along to you other  friends? Sure you would!! Later, if you found out that the person that told you that news did it because he/she thought it was true, would you blame him/her or would you blame the person who started the whole hoax?

Is there no common sense left in America? 


Heartless Way to Look at Things!

I am passing this along as just another thing that shows that Barack Obama Speaks
Out of both sides of his mouth, or thinks with different sides of his brain, depending
On who he is talking to. He is now saying that something like this is not called
For in his Healthcare bill. It is very hard to believe him when he gets up in front
Of a Town Hall to dispute the rumors that are floating around as bogus, when we
Have either video’s or Interviews out of his own mouth saying just the opposite.
It is no wonder that the Protesters are out there yelling….
1. Tell the truth for once, and maybe he would be beliveable.
2. Give the people at the Town Halls a Microphone so they can be heard,
And they won’t have to yell!
Please Read the article below: 
Obama Says Grandmother’s Hip Replacement Raises Cost Questions

By Hans Nichols


April 29 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama said his grandmother’s hip-replacement surgery during the final weeks of her life made him wonder whether expensive procedures for the terminally ill reflect a “sustainable model” for health care.

The president’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, had a hip replaced after she was diagnosed with cancer, Obama said in an interview with the New York Times magazine that was published today. Dunham, who lived in Honolulu, died at the age of 86 on Nov. 2, 2008, two days before her grandson’s election victory.

“I don’t know how much that hip replacement cost,” Obama said in the interview. “I would have paid out of pocket for that hip replacement just because she’s my grandmother.”

Obama said “you just get into some very difficult moral issues” when considering whether “to give my grandmother, or everybody else’s aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they’re terminally ill.

“That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues,” he said in the April 14 interview. “The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here.”

Obama promised during his presidential campaign that a health-care overhaul would be a top priority, and he said at a Missouri town hall meeting today that he hopes Congress will pass health-care legislation this year.

The issue has been divisive, and finding an answer that will keep costs down while extending coverage to the estimated 46 million Americans without health insurance has eluded past presidents.

‘Ruthless Pragmatism’

Obama also said his economic advisers aren’t constrained by ideology or connections to former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin. “What I’ve been constantly searching for is a ruthless pragmatism when it comes to economic policy,” he said, in the interview.

Obama also pointed to Canada as an example of a country that has effectively regulated commercial and investment banking without requiring legal separation of those activities.

“When it comes to something like investment banking versus commercial banking, the experience in a country like Canada would indicate that good, strong regulation that focuses less on the legal form of the institution and more on the functions that they’re carrying out is probably the right approach to take,” he said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Hans Nichols in Washington at

Last Updated: April 29, 2009 18:00 EDT

White House Asking For Snitches!!

So here you are on your blog, just posting away, and telling people what you feel about the Health Care or the Cap and Tax Bills, and along comes some snitch that can copy and send your words off to the White House!! The last time I looked, we are covered by the Constitution of the United States on the 1st Amendment for out Freedom of Speech!! I have googled, White House Snitches and below are two of the sites listed that says this is so. One of these web sites is The White House Web Site!! Check this out! I am completely disgusted by this!! Here is what the first one says: White House Website Asking for Informants on Anti-Healthcare Advocates By Warner Todd Huston Wednesday, August 5, 2009 I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that the Obama White House is now asking the public to snitch on their fellow citizens by sending an email to White House staffers informing them of other Americans that oppose Obamacare. I know what you are saying. You are probably saying that I am just a rabble rousing conservative that is just trying to stir trouble. You are probably thinking that I am taking something out of context. Well I wish I were. *************************************************************************************************** This is the Second one: There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to