Tag Archives: energy

Obama’s Green Jobs Going Overseas!!

I don’t like to do Copy and paste, but sometimes it is just

expedient to pass the story along as long as it is told well.

I wondered where the green jobs were… I have Googled them and

can’t find much!! Now we know it is just as we expected!!



Obama’s Stimulus Creating Green Jobs Overseas

Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 10:22 PM
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By: John Rossomando

Although Barack Obama and other Democrats touted the $787 billion stimulus package as a way to create green jobs that would put Americans back to work, new reports show the spending package has mostly created green jobs for foreign workers.

U.S. Department of Energy statistics show 79 percent of the $2.1 billion in stimulus money allocated for wind energy has been paid to foreign manufacturers.

The Spanish company Iberdrola has received $443 million; the Portuguese company EDP has received $229 million; and the British company Terra Firma, which bought a large wind farm in western Pennsylvania, received $42 million.

Analysts worry the stimulus funds will also help create manufacturing jobs in China, and a Texas consortium’s plans to build a wind farm that primarily will rely on Chinese-made turbines using $450 million in stimulus money underscores this fear

A report from the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University found 80 percent of the stimulus money had created 6,000 jobs, and only a small percentage of those jobs went to American workers.
Only two American companies ̶ General Electric Energy and Clipper Wind ̶ are major wind turbine manufacturers, and the American Wind Energy Associations has said the United States saw a drop in the number of wind turbine manufacturing jobs last year.

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Washington Post Op-ed, by Palin

The ‘Cap And Tax’ Dead End
By Sarah Palin

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


There is no shortage of threats to our economy. America’s unemployment rate recently hit its highest mark in more than 25 years and is expected to continue climbing. Worries are widespread that even when the economy finally rebounds, the recovery won’t bring jobs. Our nation’s debt is unsustainable, and the federal government’s reach into the private sector is unprecedented.

Please read the rest of this Op Ed at the Washington Post



After you read this article, take a look at the Comments.. They are out to smear Sarah Palin at all costs… The article is right on, and she is going to speak out for America, and fight for our Freedoms. We are going to have a big fight ahead of us to keep the Brain Dead of this Nation from destroying her completely.

She has figured out,as it doesn’t take a Rocket Science Czar to see where Cap and Tax will take this country. 

As far as the Climate Change Argument, our own POTUS was shot down for the Cap and Tax, by the leaders of the European countries at the G8. They do not want to put their countries at any more of a monetary risk than they already are in with this global economy. If our Government passes this big mess, not only will it harm our economy, it will hit every American Personally, right straight in the pocket book. If it goes through we will have less jobs… Than we do now. You take a look around in a Wind Farm, and how many people do you see working out there. Look around at the Coal mines, the Oil fields, gas fields, and refineries, and tell me that Alternative energy is going to give us more jobs…. Only the Brain Dead can believe that it will.

I challenge my friends to comment on the OpEd at the Post. I did, and we need more to stick up for this courageous woman.

 Sarah Palin has not been given enough credit for what she has accomplished for the State of Alaska and the People of Alaska.