It appears a Republican is about to be elected to the seat of former Corrupt-Senator-For-Life Ted (hiccup) Kennedy. Either way the election turns out, this is not a Republican victory… it is an American victory. There is presently a blogosphere push by RNC faithful to bolster support for the RNC saying, “they have learned their lesson,” and that we must now get back in line to carry RNC water. Scott Brown’s success will surely be pointed to by these well-intended souls, as evidence of the power and veracity of the Republican Party, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The DNC and RNC have both long since ceased to represent the American people, whether hailing from left or right. Similar to Brown’s success today, evidence of more powerful forces in American politics than the two “sanctioned” parties, emerged in the 2006 election. In that year, the DNC abandoned Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman in favor of a more obedient anti-war insider. The DNC controlled the primary election, but the real power of the American people trumped party extortion, ultimately derailing DNC marching orders.
Many talk about the “Tea Party” movement as though it is primarily an effort to form a third political party. That argument is a red herring. Don’t get me wrong, I think a third party would be good for American politics, and I don’t buy for a minute, the notion that a third party would turn American self-governance into a multi-party parliamentary process. What I am saying is that it is not now the time for a third party. Nor from what I see, is that the objective of the vast majority of Tea Party patriots.
The phrase “Tea Party,” presently represents at best, a rag-tag (though vast) political tsunami of Americans who are really ticked off that Washington is using the power we have leant them, to abuse us and to destroy our country for reasons so hideous, Americans who value our heritage and our Constitution, shudder in disgust to even imagine.
I believe Americans as an aggregate, are soundly to the right of center. The noisy media-supported left, along with lukewarm centrists, serve to produce the magician’s illusion we have devolved to the left, or are centrist at best. The reality is, the political machinery of America is an envelope that exists, not in the American experience, but as a protected pocket resting just beyond the light of reality. Since political parties exist within this artificial envelope, we can function with just two parties, but once the people are again “actually represented” by those we entrust with power, we would be better served by at least three parties, making the present collusion as seen between and within the DNC and RNC more difficult to forge.
The solution to our dilemma, and what we are witnessing tonight, is the indomitable spirit of American independence. Tonight, we owe gratitude to neither the DNC nor the RNC, but to Tea Partiers whom in fact are just Americans; Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Christians, Atheists, and ordinary Joe the Plumbers who are smart enough to reject party mandates in favor of honest, logical, reasonable execution of their duty to decide rationally, vote, and keep our country free.
I’m a Republican, and I plan to remain a Republican, but I have begun the process at home, of reaching out and putting my Party Central Committee and Chair on notice. Party leaders will represent the aggregate of our members to the best of their ability, or we the aggregate, will kick them out, and so on, right up the line to the National Chair. For now, my Republican support is in a state of suspension while I join with a much larger party; a party of Americans, joined in spirit to eradicate the liberal cancer we have allowed to grow within the RNC, DNC, Congress, and throughout our government.
Don’t let anyone tell you that Conservatives haven’t contributed, that we need to stop opposing Obama, or forsake the Tea Party movement, or that we have made a mistake by being negative instead positive. Stopping the Obama agenda is a very positive action, and victory will be a great accomplishment. The RNC and DNC put us in this mess, and they are not the solution, but in both cases, it is Americans willing to step up, think for themselves, and tell their parties to shut up and sit down that will save America.
Tonight’s election may represent a reverse of fortunes, but we will now have to redouble our efforts to endure the pushback that is sure to come. Keep doing what you are doing… continue to hold the political parties and politicians accountable. I assure you, they have not gotten the message yet, but they will, if we only keep our shoulders to the wheel. Tonight I see hope for America, and I am very grateful to my fellow conservative bloggers. Thanks you one-and-all, and God Bless America.
Great post. You have done a great job describing a mostly misrepresented segment of our political populace. You have also made it clear that this “throw them out on their ass” trend will only continue. Now, we can truly say that drunken, murdering Ted is dead. He is, at this moment, drinking the last of the scotch that was buried with him. Mad as hell over the election results. At least the young females in the area are safe from his alcoholic outrage.
Great Post Neo… And I see today that Teddy Boy’s son is not going to run. Biden’s son not running now we can get rid of two families that have pitched their tents on the White House lawn for quite a while!!
I think as the days go by, the Tea Party only gets stronger, and like a snowball picks up speed as you roll it up the Hill!!