Monthly Archives: July 2009
Obama has history with ‘stupid’ Cambridge police
Obama has history with ‘stupid’ Cambridge police
Condemns action of officer at department that ticketed prez 17 times while a student
The Associated Press reported in 2007 that Obama’s “healthy Stack” of parking tickets was finally paid, including late fees, “two weeks before he officially launched his presidential campaign.”
Said Jen Psaki, spokeswoman for Obama’s campaign during his race to the White House, “He didn’t owe that much and what he did owe, he paid. … Many people have parking tickets and late fees.”
Also see my Blog Post at the Link below:

Forced HealthCare for you, but not for Illegals? They won’t pay fine!
If the Healthcare bill in the final stages limits what Doctors can make, such as giving them a salary, this will limit new students from becoming Doctors. They would not be able to make enough when they go into practice to pay back the costly student loans when they do start their practice.
Washington Post Op-ed, by Palin
The ‘Cap And Tax’ Dead End
By Sarah Palin
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
There is no shortage of threats to our economy. America’s unemployment rate recently hit its highest mark in more than 25 years and is expected to continue climbing. Worries are widespread that even when the economy finally rebounds, the recovery won’t bring jobs. Our nation’s debt is unsustainable, and the federal government’s reach into the private sector is unprecedented. Please read the rest of this Op Ed at the Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/13/AR2009071302852.html
After you read this article, take a look at the Comments.. They are out to smear Sarah Palin at all costs… The article is right on, and she is going to speak out for America, and fight for our Freedoms. We are going to have a big fight ahead of us to keep the Brain Dead of this Nation from destroying her completely. She has figured out,as it doesn’t take a Rocket Science Czar to see where Cap and Tax will take this country. As far as the Climate Change Argument, our own POTUS was shot down for the Cap and Tax, by the leaders of the European countries at the G8. They do not want to put their countries at any more of a monetary risk than they already are in with this global economy. If our Government passes this big mess, not only will it harm our economy, it will hit every American Personally, right straight in the pocket book. If it goes through we will have less jobs… Than we do now. You take a look around in a Wind Farm, and how many people do you see working out there. Look around at the Coal mines, the Oil fields, gas fields, and refineries, and tell me that Alternative energy is going to give us more jobs…. Only the Brain Dead can believe that it will. I challenge my friends to comment on the OpEd at the Post. I did, and we need more to stick up for this courageous woman. Sarah Palin has not been given enough credit for what she has accomplished for the State of Alaska and the People of Alaska. |

Things are not Always As they Seem!
My neighbor just got back from Washington DC, on a family vacation. She told me that everyday the streets in front of the White House and Senate buildings were full of Protestors. They were not protesting against anything, they were protesting FOR Nationlized Health Care, and Cap and Trade.
She thought as I do that they are minions of Obama to make an impression on the Congress and the Senate to show that this is what the people want. What a minipulation!! Like everything else this Administration has done, it is all a show and a lie. I would just imagine that these were the ACORN group that does Obama’s bidding for him. I hope they are getting their $7.00 an hours worth as they will pay for it in the end. How dumb this group is that they can’t see how they are being used by Obama and his Thugs. They just keep going along, I am sure on a promise of a better life for them. They will wake up one day and see that they have been lied to. It takes some a longer time to wake up and smell the coffee.
I smelled the coffee before the Election and it had a very bad smell.
God Blees this Nation and our Military!!