Please forgive my absence recently, and please do not take it to mean that I am not grateful to our Blogsterfile members. I am very proud of everyone who has continued to visit and post. There are improvements coming to the site, but you won’t see them for awhile. I have to make a living, so I am working on another project, implementing changes and upgrades there, that will be mirrored here as well when the work is done.

I am a weak link when it comes to writing and posting, so I am counting on all of you to keep up the effort while I work in the background. I am trying to make the site look and feel better, and to give it more functionality. I hope you will stay with me, and keep posting until the site is better. In the mean time, THANK YOU again, to those who are posting, and to those who are not, I understand. The site is just not very functional at this point… but I think it will get better, and I hope you will stand by and return when the time is right!! 🙂

One thought on “THANK YOU!

  1. marianr

    Neo, You are missed here but we do understand that you are a busy man. I will be here as much as I can, and try to post something interesting from time to time… I get so angry with what I see going on in this Country, that sometimes I just can”t decide what to blog about first…. So much out there to that is not Right…
    glad you stopped in… Don’t work too hard

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