In 1998, Paramount Pictures released the movie, The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrie…


The Truman Show bears a striking resemblance to the real life production of The Obama Show, to which we now find ourselves exposed. In the present production, there are also 5,000 cameras, each dedicated to producing an artificial edifice of an otherwise corrupt and stuttering underachiever from Kenya.

By selecting, and broadcasting only the most flattering video and sound bites, and by rejecting anything that would detract from the image of their star, producers of The Obama Show have created the illusion of a Superstar, and American hero.

Anything that would not contribute to a successful script, are simply edited out by the show’s writers. The star’s Muslim father, his stepfather, and his mother, along with his education in Muslim schools, hardly exist in the final cut. The storyline is devoid of any mention of the fact credible witnesses have sworn he was born in Kenya, and that his Hawaiian birth certificate has been deemed a fake.

In the big screen version of The Obama Show, the star’s fake birth certificate is lauded as proof of “Natural Birth” as if it were as genuine as the original Declaration of Independence. The Berg vs. Obama lawsuit filed in Federal Court, and which, as defense was simply ignored by the star himself until it was dismissed without the slightest comment by a derelict court, is oddly ignored by all of the MSM in a fashion that renders the proverbial White-Elephant metaphor descriptively inadequate.

The jackass in the starring role of The Obama Show is still campaigning. …In this bizarre, scripted production, Obama is still supported unequivocally by the “tingle down their leg” MSM. The same fraudulent propaganda machine that put the jackass actor into office as if he were actually qualified, is still fully functional, and fully deployed.

The United States Congress and Senate are faithfully following the director’s instructions, and it is clear now, they will not deviate from the script. If we scream at our televisions like the viewing public watching The Truman Show, the results will be the same. Both the Congress and Senate ignored their constituents and passed the star’s stinking spending boondoggle, as if it were as popular as fresh air.

Chickenshits like Arlen Specter, stand up and read from The Obama Show script, assuring us that he, “Specter,” will not allow bad things in the spending bill, while out of the other side of his mouth, voting for the bill that in the real world IS ALL BAD. All the while, the MSM provides background music, singing hymns of praise to their The Obama Show star, and their faux deity, the dumb-ass pretender from Kenya.

NEXT: WHERE TO START — But in the mean time, tell me what you think we should do about this fraud being perpetrated on the American People.

2 thoughts on “THE OBAMA SHOW

  1. rose

    I remember watching that movie so clearly Neo. It seemed sad to me that people would watch it in a way. This country is someplace I never deamed it would end up,not in a million years. It all sounds so 60’s,Utopia is here,,,kum bay ah ,,,,all bs! It is a takeover of the greatest country on the planet.An evil that is seeking to destroy our way of life and along with it our very souls. The daily life under socialism is ugly,it is one withour freedom, sometimes even without food..a sore subject to me as you can see.I will write more about it here. Gosh when did the American people become so lazy? complacent? beggers for a free lifestyle that in the end will only bring them hardship and suffering,,,,,and early death.Wake up America!

  2. neo Post author

    I think lazy and evil people have always been among us, but we have never had an equally evil government willing to cater to them at the expense of all honest and hard working Americans. Thanks for your comment Rose! 🙂

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