Tag Archives: Palin


Today a shot was fired that was heard around the world. As a result of that shot:


1.    We were blessed to hear very little about the latest overdosed Pop star.

2.    The black messiah in the White House was silent for a change, and probably had a very bad day.

3.    Michael Steel and the turncoats in the RNC learned who their new boss is going to be.

4.    Liberals all over the country messed their pants.

5.    The news media, especially Shepard Smith and Keith Olbermann, had their vacations ruined by the sting of being out maneuvered by Sarah Palin once again.

6.    Mitt Romney learned he is not the Republican front runner.

7.    And John McCain surely is hanging his head in shame for taking a dive when he had the chance to serve alongside the most prominent real American on the scene since Ronald Reagan.


I know all the arguments… that Sarah Palin isn’t experienced enough. That she is too earthy, and too pious to capture the imagination of the American people. Pardon my French, but bullshit! First she is darn well qualified, and even if she weren’t she is a loyal American with morals and values, and THAT is what we need!! And our American service men and women will love here.


A monkey could run the executive branch in today’s world… Teleprompter Obama is proof of that. Has there ever been a man less qualified for the office than Obama? Obama is not only incompetent, idealistic and naïve, but he is a Marxist. He places more value in the words of Lenin and Trotsky than he does in the inspired wisdom of Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson, or any of the Founding Fathers.


The most important thing the President does today, is to make Federal appointments, including czars (in Obama’s case), his own cabinet, and Federal Judges. Then he wields the bully pulpit to sway the slant of governance, for better or for worse. What is perhaps most sickening to me, is that he is also the Commander in Chief of our armed forces, and that he represents us to the world. I am sincerely ashamed that he was allowed to usurp the office of President.


If Sarah Palin never lifted a finger beyond restoring real Americans to our Government through appointments, it would a glorious day of restoration for our beloved country. And does anyone doubt that she would do that? Compared to Obama, knowing Sarah Palin, I would never lose a wink of sleep over any appointment of hers, without question.


Then there is THE “Football.” I have great concern with that power being in the hands of Obama. I don’t fear that he would use it hastily, but I worry more that he would hesitate until it is too late. Or worse, that our enemies are not deterred because “they” think he would hesitate. If Obama were called upon to make that fateful decision, I am certain he would be like a nervous coward holding a gun in the face of a perceived threat. He would be as likely to blow the head off an innocent bystander as to use it against a real threat.


In the predawn hours of April 19, 1775, American Minutemen gathered on the village green at Lexington. They had been warned by Paul Revere and William Dawes that the British were coming.


By the time the 800 man British advance guard arrived, the assemblage of 77 local citizens had been instructed by their commander, Captain Parker, “Stand your ground; don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”


The British commander, was not impressed by the small American force, and ordered the Minutemen to throw down their arms and disperse. Outnumbered, a few obeyed the order and began to leave. Then a shot was rang out and others quickly followed. When the smoke cleared, eight Americans lay dead and the outmatched Minutemen retreated into the nearby woods as the redcoats proceeded to Concord.


It is not known who fired that shot heard round the world on April 19, 1775, but I’m pretty sure another was fired on July 3, 2009, by Sarah Palin. Sarah is our Captain Parker. The message today is that, if these scoundrels want war, it begins here. If any of us missed Sarah’s message, don’t worry… every liberal on the planet heard it loud and clear.


Symbolism is important. That is why the only argument to gain any real traction against Barack Obama has been what must have seemed a silly issue to him… his missing birth certificate. Until now, the illegal interloper has had his way with America, our laws, and our system of self-governance.


The volley of fire delivered at Lexington that morning in 1775 bought time to ensure the arrival of enough minutemen at Concord to defeat the British and drive them back to Boston.

It is too late for Obama to reverse course. Too much damage has been done, and he must be removed from office. Tomorrow there are Tea Parties all over America. Be sure and attend one near you, and let it be know, that we back Sarah Palin. We don’t know if she will run for President, but it is clear she is embarking on a tour of support for new moral leadership.


Since Sarah is the first and only to stand head and shoulders above the crowd… let’s fall in behind her. After all, she is the only one in National politics leading where we want to go. Ignore Fox, and rest of the naysayers! Today was a good day for America!



The Concord Hymn

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1837)



By the rude bridge that arched the flood,

Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled;

Here once the embattled farmers stood;

And fired the shot heard round the world.


The foe long since in silence slept;

Alike the conqueror silent sleeps,

And Time the ruined bridge has swept

Down the dark stream that seaward creeps.


On this green bank, by this soft stream,

We place with joy a votive stone,

That memory may their deeds redeem,

When, like our sires, our sons are gone.


O Thou who made those heroes dare

To die, and leave their children free, —

Bid Time and Nature gently spare

The shaft we raised to them and Thee.