Tag Archives: Teaparty

Freedom Rally Tea Party

World Ag Expo

Tulare, California

July 4th 2009


As I entered the gates of the World Ag Expo, I was met by this “Terrorist” the Obama administration warned us about. By the time I arrived at the rally, the parking lot was filled to a quarter mile out from the gates. As I waited for the tram, I struck up a conversation with a young man who turned out to be 34 years old. He had driven from Fresno to attend the rally, and had his daughter with him who appeared to be about six years old. During our conversation, we agreed how important is is that we start doing something to reverse the agenda of the Obama administration and Congress. The young man pointed to his daughter, and said, “She’s about $35 thousand dollars in debt now.”

A rally volunteer who had been directing traffic in the parking lot, joined our conversation. The tram was running late, so the volunteer sugested we just walk to the gate, which we did. As we walked along, the conversation drifted to the local police who were stationed at the entrance, and I commented that we need to make sure our police officers and service people feel they are part of this movement… that we are on the same side and that we are not the enemy. The young man related a conversation between him and several friends who were police officers and firefighters in the Fresno area. They had received the Homeland Security report that said we are all potential terrorist. He said, “Don’t worry, they get it. The commanders had no choice but to distribute the report, but everyone on the police force and in the fire department were livid about it.”

One of our real national heroes on stage, Korean War Veteran, Charlie Waters!

I sat directly behind the KMPH news camera. Charlie gave one of the most compassionate speeches I have ever heard. When Charlie talked about the friends he lost in Korea, he held every heart in the building in his hand. Charlie said, “We did not fight in those cold hills of Korea for Obama to apologize for us… HOW DARE HE!”

The audience came to their feet and roared in support of Charlie. The news cameraman realized something extraordinary was happening, and so he swung his camera around to capture thousands of Americans letting it be know that they love our veterans, and despise what Obama has done. I doubt you will see that on the evening news anywhere in America.

Next up was Mike Ratley, advocate for the California Water Coalition, and sales manager at Westside Ford in Firebaugh. Mike is famous in the Valley for his radio commercials inviting customers to come in and shop where they cans expect, “No suits, no ties, and nooooo lies“. Charlie Waters was a hard act to follow, but Mike did a fantastic job judging by the audiences enthusiastic response. There was no shortage of patriots on stage, or in the audience, and it was clear there was a single unified purpose for all, to save our country from the failed leadership in Washington.

Selena and William Owens

Husband and wife team, William Owens, Jr., and Selena Owens both spoke at the event. Before beginning the main thrust of his speech, William introduced his wife of 25 years, Selena, who gave a brief but very inspiring talk directed at the conservative women in the crowd. William and Selena are both published authors, and have been traveling across the country talking at Tea Party events, and promoting their books targeting Christian and Patriotic themes for all Americans, but with a particular message of real hope and inspiration for women and for Black America. The Master of Ceremonies handed out several copies of William’s book, “Obama: Why Black America Should Have Doubts. I was fortunate enough to grab one, and I will give you a review in the near future. Judging by the inspiring speeches delivered by these two American Patriots, I am confident it will be a glowing review.   

William Owens, Jr.

Steve Brandau

Steve Brandau, who owns a carpet cleaning business, gave one of the most energetic speeches of the event. Steve represents a younger generation than the two speakers who preceded him, but if his admonishments are any indication of what we are going to accomplish in saving our country, I have good news for America, and bad news for Obama and his criminal cohorts in Washington. Steve inspired the crowd with his enthusiasm, and his love for our country. Watch out for this man, he is full of fire. If you ever have a chance to hear him speak, don’t miss the opportunity. 

The rest of the photos speak for themselves… enjoy!

There was a decided Christian presence in the booths, and among the speakers at the rally. They had a huge play area set up for children with rides and bounce houses, and there was a very large contingent of young families to take advantage of that. The weather was a little hot, but not a soul complained, and when the crowd cleared, everyone was patient and courteous with each other. As I left, the folks on stage were saying farewells, and entertaining the stragglers as the bulk of the crowd thinned out. As I was leaving the building, a man came on stage, took the microphone, and addressed what was left of the crowd. He said “I just want to thank all of you… I have never seen such a clean and orderly crowd of this size. It looks almost like we have already cleaned up. What a great audience you have been.” …and they were too… it made me proud to be an American.

Finally, it was time to head home. When I reached the parking lot, the cars had already thinned out, but I still had a bit of a hike to my car, which was beyond the vanishing point in this photo. Oh well, the walk did me good! Thanks for going to the Tea Party with me! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! God Bless America!!!!

Thanks to the folks at Central Valley Tea Party for this event!
