Tag Archives: life

Don’t You Just Hate It?

Wrap your brain around the word hate. I hate this. I hate that. I hate it when someone does such and such. The word hate gets thrown around as much as the words and, and the, but sometimes it is not used in a casual way, sometimes the hate is real.

I hate certain things myself. I hate spending five dollars a pound for meat that has already turned brown. I hate watching people intentionally try to destroy my country, and I hate watching handicapped people get picked on. That is just a small, random sample of things that I personally hate, and believe me, the list is quite long, but most of my hatred is the result of a counter evil. An evil that puts me on the defensive, or an evil which demonstrates an obvious injustice. Does that give me a free pass to hate, or justify my hate in any way? Of course not. I am just saying that I believe there are varying degrees of hate, and much of our hatred could even be describes as a dislike for something, rather than true hate. For example. Most children can be heard grumbling under their breath the words, “I hate green beans.” Their dislike of green beans is such that it produces a noticeable protruding lower lip, as well as a peculiar tasting under the table snack for the family dog, but it is not representative of a deep rooted hate that develops into a life altering emotional state.

I hate it when a black man cries the blues about his less that advanced state of being, but before he can even finish his racist rant to his peers, he has to take a blast from his crack pipe. I hate the fact that a black man can buy a house next door to me and live happily ever after, but if I buy a house in a black neighborhood my life expectancy has been reduced to just hours, and yet, it is the white man’s hate for the black man that is always center stage. Both of these statements would be viewed by most as being drenched in racism, but I think they would be reaching the wrong conclusion. In fact, what I am saying is, I hate the actions of most black people. I hate being portrayed as the slave owner who has beat them down, and kept them from succeeding in life. I hate being their preferred prey, and the recipient of their violence every time I enter their marked territory. It is not the black man that I hate, but rather the atmosphere which is created by them to guarantee their claim to eternal victimization. An atmosphere that guarantees that I hold the title of oppressor for eternity. Those blacks who do not hold these beliefs, or participate in this assault against all whites are spared any hatred I may have in reserve. If I hated black people, I would hate them all, not just the actions of a few. Those who choose to see me as a racist, do so by choosing to do it with their eyes closed, which makes viewing me in any light an impossibility.

There are some things in this world that I just cannot allow myself to hate. Among those are the members of my immediate family, especially my sweet mother. My pets. American cars, regardless of who runs the companies from day to day. I’m a car guy, what can I say? I refuse to hate my country. I can hate the current direction it’s going in, but I can never hate her as a nation. And last but certainly not least, I cannot hate God. As much as God would disagree with me, I do however, hate those who hate God.

Why is God such a target? If one does not believe in something, would that non-existent, non-being, even be worthy of the effort it takes to hate it? The answer is no it wouldn’t. I don’t believe in the “Boogie-Man” who is supposed to be hiding under my bed, so it would be a waste of my time to spend the next ten years bashing him in all of the blogs, and trying to convince the world of his non-existence. It would also be a waste of my time to hate those who do believe in the “Boogie-Man,” after all, how does their belief in something that does not exist hurt me in any way? If I did hate the “Boogie-Man,” the black man, or anything else in the context of really hating the being, rather than the actions of, or the perceptions of that being, then that would mean I actually fear that being. So I say those who hate God, actually fear God, and by fearing him, they are acknowledging his existence. How is that for simply logic?

Those who hate God, and put forth an effort to convince the rest of us that he doe’s not exist, do so in an effort to gain our acceptance. They defend their immoral lifestyles, their collective sins, and their lust for a variety of perversions, all the while bashing everything, and everyone who is in the position to strip them of those things they cherish the most. They not only fear God, they fear all who believe in him. They fear everything that they preach against. They fear that the power of God working through mortal man will shut down their perverted playgrounds, so they try to convert the believers, because they too believe as we do. They just wish they didn’t. Their own guilt leaves them with the need to be accepted by society, but our acceptance will do them no good. God is their only salvation from themselves, but to gain his acceptance, they first have to acknowledge his existence. I tell you what God haters. When life slips from your corpse, and the body heat is replaced by the flesh broiling heat put forth by the furnaces of hell, drop us a blog post and let us know how that God hating thing is working out for you.

We are all sinners, and we are all haters. It is up to each one of us to curb our own enthusiasm when practicing each. Those who claim to be neither are just common liars, and they can fall in line behind the sinners. If you feel a desperate need to cleanse yourself of your self-righteousness, I will let you in line ahead of me. After all, we share these burdens and seek the same ends.