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STAND AND DELIVER Economics (2 of 4)

The following was published in 1692. It is about a soldier who is bidding for due respect and fair compensation for all he has given in war. My friends, if we allow the Obama Crime Syndicate to disrespect our soldiers as they propose, we are gone mad.

Written in Old English, it is not an easy read, but please bear with me, and dedicate as much as you can of it, to your heart. It will be an important foundation to my next post in this series. …Thank you, and God Bless America, God Bless our Troops.


His humble Petition at his Return into England,
after his bold Adventures in bloudy Battels.

To an excellent new Ture.                                             Licensed according to Order.


Good your Worship cast an eye Upon a Souldier’s Misery; Let not these lean Cheeks, I pray, Your Worship’s Bounty from me stay; But like a noble friend, Some Silver lend, And Jove shall pay you in the end, And I will pray that Fate, May make you fortunate, In Heaven, or in some Earthly State. To beg I ne’er was bred, kind Sir, Which makes me blush to keep this stir; Nor do I rove from Place to Place: For to make known my wofull Case:

For I am none of those that a roving goes, And in rambling show their drunken blows For all that they have got, Is by banging of the Pot, In wrangling who should pay the shot. Olympick Games I oft have seen, And in brave Battels have I been; The Cannons there aloud did roar, My Proffer high was evermore: For, out of a Bravado, When in a Barricado, By tossing of a hand Granadoe, Death then then was very near, When it took away this ear; But yet, thank God, I’m here, I’m here.

And at the Siege of Buda there, I was blown up into the Air, From whence I tumbl’d down again, And lay awhile among the slain; Yet rather than be beat, I got upon my Feet, And made the Enemy retreat; My self and seven more We fought Elevenscore; The Rogues was ne’er so thrash’d before.

I have, at least, a dozen times, Been blown up by these roguish Mines; Twice through the Skull have I been shot, That my Brains do boil like any Pot: Such Dangers have I past, At first and at last, As would make your Worship sore aghast; And there I lay for dead, Till the Enemy was fled, And then they carry’d me home to Bed.

At push of Pike I lost this Eye, And at Birgam Siege I broke this Thigh, At Oftend, like a warlike Lad, I laid about as I were mad; But little would you think, That e’er I had been Such a good Soldier of the Queen; But if Sir Francis Vere Were living now and here, He would tell you how I slash’d them there.

The Hollanders my Fury know, For oft with them I’ve dealt a Blow: Then did I take a warlike Dance, Quite through Spain and into France; And there I spent a floud Of very noble Bloud, Yet all would do but little good; For now I home am come, With my Rags upon my Bum, And crave of your Worship one finall Summe.

And now my Case you understand, Pray lend to me your helping hand; A little thing would pleasure me, To keep in mind your Charity: It is not Bread and Cheese, Nor Barley Lees, Or any such-like Scraps as these; But what I beg of you, Is a Shilling one or Two, Kind Sir, your Purse-string pray undo.


Have I spent all my days in bloudy Wars, Thus slash’d, carbonado’d, & cut out in scars? Have I danc’d o’er the Ice, march’d thro’ the Dirt, Without either Hat, Hose, Shoe, or Shirt?

And must I now beg, bow, troop, trudge and trot, To every Pagan, and poor Peasant Sot? No, by this Hand and Sword not I, That Man’s not fit to live who fears to dye: I’ll Purse it then, the Highway is my hope; His Heart’s not big, that fears a little Rope,

——- Stand, and Deliver, Sir,——–

Here Boy, take my Horse, walk him if thou’rt able, Lead him a turn or two, and put him into th’Stable As for you Mrs. Minks, don’t at me Jeer, To night for Supper let me have good Chear; My Pheasants, my Fowls, and choice of other Birds, I’ll not be fed with Apple-pye, Cheese, and Curds: As for your Swine’s flesh I’ll eat none, Unless it be a roast Pig, and then I may pick a Bone.

The rest my Boy shall transport into his Snap- sack, and so we are prepar’d for the next Rendezvous.


Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back.

[ PART 1 ] [ PART 2 ] [ PART 3 ] [ PART 4 ]

ARE YOU KIDDING? Economics (1 of 4)

In spite of the best efforts and intentions of our wisest economists, our most adroit politicians, faithful communists, and determined patriots notwithstanding, government eventually gets everything wrong… Then when darkness looms, all is quickened by the advent of a war, or a depression, or a revolution, or complete collapse and anarchy. Whatever eventual force the universe imposes upon our high ideas, it seems we end up sooner or later, rebuilding from the bottom up.

We will tolerate abuse (real or imagined) for only so long before taking matters into our own hands. Taking matters into our own hands can manifest as, a voter revolt, changes in buying and investment habits, or withholding of taxes, writing letters and holding tea parties, or even in taking up arms, should government become so oppressive that the pain or the indignation becomes intolerable.

When tyrants gain power in government, they literally take our money by force, then use it in ways we do not want it used. They entangle us in detrimental trade agreements, and ridiculous environmental treaties, and generally dilute our sovereignty. They redistribute wealth to curry votes and favor, and so forth. At some point, we have to force our leaders to realize it is not their job to engineer new social order in America or the world, and our money is not theirs to use as they please, and particularly not to use opposing our will.

Using our economy and our productive force to turn us into a hedonist nation is the exact act of establishment of a secular state religion, and so we must remind our leaders that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. We must also remind them that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not subject to their opinions or discretion. And we know that if we allow them to take our arms, there will be nothing to stop them from doing whatever they want in violation of the rest of our Constitution as well.

The tyrants now in power, the Obama Crime Syndicate (OCS) are not presently about the business of rescuing our economy, but rather, they are about forging us into a different kind of society …a secular society that most of us do not want for America. Obama supports an extreme left agenda, including being an advocate of abortion, and disarming our nation militarily, and individually.

Using our full faith and credit, Obama is now thrusting forward with little resistance in sight, accomplishing one goal after the other. Those in Congress and the Senate whom we foolishly thought trustworthy, have failed to forcefully oppose this rape of our nation from within. In most cases, even Republicans have joined in, wallowing in the liberal mud, while giving lip service to conservatism and feigning opposition by way of casting nay votes they know are meaningless.

We have been transformed into a society of soft clay in the hands of an evil potter. Redirection of economic tides is being achieved through rewarding corruption and celebration of poor management in both business, and personal finance. We coddle unions, which are the antithesis of the American ideal. Liars, tax cheats, and lobbyists are elevated to high places and celebrate shamelessly as a corrupted mainstream media chastises America for failing to forsake the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in favor of worshiping their false God, the potter Obama.

We are now told that, we should not question the ways of Obama, or demand he present proof he is not a usurper born in Kenya and not in Hawaii. It is as if God has been removed from the land, and the words of Isaiah are made to say, woe unto him that striveth with Obama! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou? …But God has not been removed, and if we let these people silence our protests, we will be judged along with those who now mock God in a new communist America, or at the throne of justice, or both.

So the popular news, and debate on the blogs has been about economics from the aspect of recovery. I say that economics cannot even be considered before we decide if we will be free, or if we will wade into the bondage of socialism. I say rich or poor, I choose freedom. Give me liberty or give me death! ~Neo

[ PART 1 ] [ PART 2 ] [ PART 3 ] [ PART 4 ]


Barack Obama has become the most obscene case of affirmative action in the history of the planet. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who was ever placed in a position because of the color of their skin is nothing but an incompetent ass that couldn’t cut it on their own merit, and that goes double for that jackass interloper in the White House.

As long as Obama and his fellow pity-my-blackness whiners want to dredge up the dead as an excuse to cry white injustice as license for blacks in every failing or filthy crime, protest or riot they commit, or favor they expect to be handed them, then let the good times roll.

One hundred forty-nine years ago this coming May, some forty thousand new Republicans convened in Chicago Illinois of all places, to select a Presidential candidate for their party. The Democratic Party had fought tooth and nail over the hot issue of the day against the Whigs, the Know Nothings, and the newly formed Republicans.

SLAVERY was the hot issue that Democrats had been willing to commit violence, fraud, bribery and every manner of political deviance and subterfuge to protect. The anti-slavery Republicans were visionary enthusiasts, “ridiculed, shunned, and condemned” for their stance according to the Chicago Evening Journal. As the most anti-slavery party, the Republicans had absorbed the Whigs and the Know Nothings to emerge as the only Party strong enough to fight the powerful and corrupt pro-slavery Democrats.

Nothing has changed except a bunch of ignorant liberals and useful enslaved-idiot blacks think the Democrats now stand for their freedom. That lie has never been farther from the truth than it is today, and ignorance has put the biggest Uncle Tom of all time in the White House to sell out and betray the people of his black half, just like black slavers of Africa sold the ancestors of black Americans into slavery 150+ years ago. More of those dead people to blame in pity-my-blackness whining, except wait a minute! Those Judases weren’t white were they?

At the Republican convention in 1860, Thurlow Weed told conventioneers that “what this country will demand of its chief executive for the next four years is a man of the highest order of executive ability, a man of real statesmanlike qualities, well known to the country and of large experience in national affairs.” Compare that to the know nothing jackass we have as President now. But don’t worry, we have affirmative action and even if he is not qualified, thank God at least he is black! …I do wonder, have we gone collectively insane?

In Chicago that May of 1860, William Seward, Salmon Chase, Edward Bates, and Abraham Lincoln faced off as anti-slavery candidates and with other notable white men of the day, sat their reputations and their livelihood afire atop a nation that was a powder keg waiting for a spark. Yes, those “damn white men” did that …but wait, since they were risking their necks for the freedom of black people, we really can’t draft them for pity-my-blackness whining against whites can we? …Oh what the hell, they were white, let’s blame them anyway. Will someone please pass Michelle Obama a hanky?

…So as not to go on all night, I’ll try to wrap this up. Abraham Lincoln won the race, and later won the Presidency, but winning the office was not enough to secure freedom for blacks. The nation soon sank into a dark war between the states and between ideologies. In retribution for the practice of slavery that was not an American invention, but had become an American problem, the nation poured out the blood of over 600,000 mother’s sons to settle the issue of slavery once and for all.

Now listen up America, and especially liberals, and Barack Obama and his racist minions, because I am about to use strong language in a place where strong language is due. If you are going to continue whining about race, and about what happened to people long dead, then go ahead. Name your poison.

You stand on your dead slaves, and I’ll stand on the dead soldiers who fought, bled, and died for freedom of all. You call me racist, on the grounds of entitlement from your history of dead, and I’ll do the same. If you want to go back and whine on that principle, then I’ll go back and consider you what you were considered before all that death and sacrifice was made in your behalf. I will consider you no better than property and call you Nigger as you were known back then.

On the other hand, if you want to stop the pity-my-blackness whining, and stand up like equals, I’ll consider you equals. It is your choice my friends. Honor the dead and we will go forth as brothers and equals. Or, if you prefer, continue to dig up the dead and disrespect them for your personal gain, and then to me, you make of yourselves nothing more than ungrateful Niggers. I speak only my opinion, and only for myself, but I suspect I am not alone. I was called out by Attorney General Eric Holder, and I accept the call. We are a nation about to settle up, and if that Nigger wants a fight, I’m all in.

I still have great respect for many blacks, and I will take every man on his own merit, but I have never in my life generally had less respect for blacks than I feel today when the country, and particularly blacks, are holding up a lying, cheating bastard as the best from among us. The country has been disgraced by allowing this interloper to hold high office. Surely there were many white and black men of integrity who would have been qualified for the job. But then, men of integrity do not belong to the Democratic party do they? God help us.


In 1998, Paramount Pictures released the movie, The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrie…


The Truman Show bears a striking resemblance to the real life production of The Obama Show, to which we now find ourselves exposed. In the present production, there are also 5,000 cameras, each dedicated to producing an artificial edifice of an otherwise corrupt and stuttering underachiever from Kenya.

By selecting, and broadcasting only the most flattering video and sound bites, and by rejecting anything that would detract from the image of their star, producers of The Obama Show have created the illusion of a Superstar, and American hero.

Anything that would not contribute to a successful script, are simply edited out by the show’s writers. The star’s Muslim father, his stepfather, and his mother, along with his education in Muslim schools, hardly exist in the final cut. The storyline is devoid of any mention of the fact credible witnesses have sworn he was born in Kenya, and that his Hawaiian birth certificate has been deemed a fake.

In the big screen version of The Obama Show, the star’s fake birth certificate is lauded as proof of “Natural Birth” as if it were as genuine as the original Declaration of Independence. The Berg vs. Obama lawsuit filed in Federal Court, and which, as defense was simply ignored by the star himself until it was dismissed without the slightest comment by a derelict court, is oddly ignored by all of the MSM in a fashion that renders the proverbial White-Elephant metaphor descriptively inadequate.

The jackass in the starring role of The Obama Show is still campaigning. …In this bizarre, scripted production, Obama is still supported unequivocally by the “tingle down their leg” MSM. The same fraudulent propaganda machine that put the jackass actor into office as if he were actually qualified, is still fully functional, and fully deployed.

The United States Congress and Senate are faithfully following the director’s instructions, and it is clear now, they will not deviate from the script. If we scream at our televisions like the viewing public watching The Truman Show, the results will be the same. Both the Congress and Senate ignored their constituents and passed the star’s stinking spending boondoggle, as if it were as popular as fresh air.

Chickenshits like Arlen Specter, stand up and read from The Obama Show script, assuring us that he, “Specter,” will not allow bad things in the spending bill, while out of the other side of his mouth, voting for the bill that in the real world IS ALL BAD. All the while, the MSM provides background music, singing hymns of praise to their The Obama Show star, and their faux deity, the dumb-ass pretender from Kenya.

NEXT: WHERE TO START — But in the mean time, tell me what you think we should do about this fraud being perpetrated on the American People.


I keep hearing people say that they “…hope Obama succeeds for the good of the nation.” What? …are you insane? Make no mistake my fellow Americans; I want Obama to fail! I want him to go down in searing flames and to take all of his Liberal ideas and his Liberal pals with him. I hope Obama fails so severely as President of the United States, that we do not see another Marxist like him run for office in my lifetime, if not forever.

I might not be so rigid in my desire for Obama to fail if it were reasonable to wish that he would morph into the image of Ronald Reagan. I might be otherwise persuaded if he would forsake his Marxist, and criminal, and racist associates; and if he would repent and turn from his long history of shady deals, and the fact he will not even reveal proof of his birth requirement to be President. If I could reasonably wish he would after those miracles, administer the duties of his office as a pro-American President, yes, I might then wish him success. I ask you though, is any of that possible even by the furthest stretch of imagination? I say it is not.

If Obama fails, we can expect four years of Liberal hell. However, those four years of hell will not result from his failure; they will result from implementation of one egregious and un-American, or idiotic and idealistic policy after the other. There is little that we can do to stop that now. The fat is in the fire, and someone is going to be burned, whether Obama fails or not. Therefore, to say that you want him to succeed for the good of the country is frankly absurd. There is not a thing about Obama that is, or could be good for America. He is the enemy within.

On the grounds of principle alone, any politician, pundit, or citizen who opposed Obama for his racism, his deceitful lies, and for the media bias that catapulted him to office, and who now wishes him well is a fickle SOB, to put it in the most polite terms I am capable of mustering. If Obama was bad for the country as a candidate, and he was, he is exponentially more harmful for the country while in an office dishonestly acquired. It is a slap in the face of decency to wash away his sins because he crossed the invisible threshold of enough dishonesty and corruption to steal office. I wonder how many of the dead whose votes were cast vicariously in his behalf are spinning in their graves.

Now let us consider the consequences of Obama being successful. If he is successful, we will still suffer all the damage that will befall us if he fails, plus, we will have validated and consummated his crimes, his deceit, and his Marxist ideas. We will be guaranteed yet another four years of Obama, and more than likely, the complete breakdown of American Democracy, in favor of European style Socialism. So my fellow Americans, what say you? Do you still wish Obama success? I do not! I cannot. I am a Patriot. I love my Country, and I love my children and grandchildren too much to wish for four easy years, at the price of America’s future.


NOTE: I have re-posted this article because it is so relevent to the impending  crises with Obama insisting it will be safe to bring terrorists into the United States. There are many valid arguments being made in opposition to the inept Obama policy, but no one is talking about the groupies and fanatics that follow prisoners just to be near them. It’s an old article, but feel free to comment. Thanks, Neo



Except for a few good neighbors who called our little corner of the world home, but worked in town, we were mostly farmers, or farm related workers of one sort or another, or offspring of all of these. Of course, there were also a few retirees in the community, retired only because they had spent their bodies in the backbreaking work of farming and animal husbandry. We also had a parsonage there, occupied by the preacher and his family, and we were blessed to have sweet old Mr. & Mrs. Dawkins, who owned and operated the local grocery and branch post office, and lived in the house attached to the back of the store.

To me, time seemed to stand still in our community. Even though generations passed into the dust, an endless procession of offspring stepped up to take the helm, without so much as a missed furrow or the moo from a concerned cow. The new young generation seemed to have values and habits, not unlike those of their parents and grandparents. We went to the same school our parents went to, worshiped and married in the same church our parents were married in, and we bought groceries from Mr. and Mrs. Dawkins who seemed immortal.

Then one day, awhile after Mr. Dawkins died of a heart attack, Mrs. Dawkins sold the store. A few strangers also began to move into the community, as it became vogue to own a few acres out in the country, and make a home there even if you were a city slicker. We accepted just about everyone into our little community, with open arms… that is until “THEY” showed up.

They drove a van with Oregon plates, blacked out back windows, and what seemed like a quarter inch of permanent road dirt. They moved into a rental house sitting on five acres just a half mile from my house. They were white, or might have been if they had bathed just a little more often. I would call them white trash actually, because they sure were trashy. He had long and unkempt black hair that looked as if it were cut with garden sheers, and though she was a brunette, they made a good matched set.

They had several children who appeared to be malnourished and small for their ages, but you could not tell for sure, because the children were seldom seen, and did not attend school. The many attempts by school officials to contact the parents about the children’s schooling were unsuccessful. They were experts at flying under the radar, and would simply not answer the door, or would disappear for weeks at a time when the heat was on. Eventually two more vans showed up that looked a lot like the first, and since they arrived an departed mostly under cover of darkness, no one knew what the newcomers looked like, or how many there were.

Then one day, I was helping my son with his homework when my wife said, “Oh my God!” I rushed into the living room in time to catch words I would never forget. The evening news was featuring a special report, and a reporter was interviewing a woman …yes, our mysterious neighbors had made the evening news. The woman was proclaiming angrily that it was not fair, and “Charlie got a raw deal.” The woman was nearly in tears, and part of a larger contingent that had assembled in the nearby town to protest the life sentence of Charles Manson.

You see, a federal penitentiary had been built adjacent to the small town near our farm community, and Manson had been moved there to live out the remainder of his disgusting life under lock and key. The mystery of our odd neighbors was now solved. They were Manson groupies who admire such degenerate scumbags, and follow them from prison to prison so they can be in close proximity to their idols. They were very scary people, and seemed to be inclined to radical behavior if not violent. Once they were exposed, the owners inspected the house they occupied, and found it in a state of disrepair, which thankfully provided a good reason for their eviction.

I always suspected they were a satanic cult, but whether they were or not, that was the last I saw or thought of the Manson groupies. That is until I heard that Obama plans to bring the Guantanamo Bay terrorists to a city near you. When I heard that, I flashed immediately back the bizarre experience our community endured because domestic terrorist, Charles Manson was kept nearby. What then shall we look forward too, when we bring murdering Islamic radicals into prisons near American cities? They think they are on a mission from God, and their ticket to Heaven is killing any American.

Obama to America: “But, They Got a Raw Deal!”


Usually, if the kids were included in an excursion to town, it was to visit relatives, or get haircuts for one of us boys. I don’t remember ever visiting a doctor or dentist before, perhaps the eighth grade. Church and school were both attended at two of the scant public facilities in our small community. Besides the church and school, there was a small grocery with a gas pump, and we did eventually get a one-stall garage, so the volunteer fire department would have a place to park their fire truck, and gather to train, visit, and drink beer on Saturday nights.

Grant it, growing up in a rural community near a small California farm town, my view of the world at age six was a narrow one. In those days, even though it was a mere five mile drive to town, we only went there as a family on rare occasions. We approached town from the East, meaning we had to drive through “nigger-town” and over the tracks to get to “town.” There really were not two towns, but one single small town divided by railroad tracks, and a cultural divide just as interminable as the steel rails that ran infinitely from view in either direction.

Crossing the tracks into the main part of town, you still saw Blacks, along with Whites, and Hispanics, and Asians, and a few Jews. The local shoe store was called the Jew Store, perhaps in ignorance, but without malice, and the Rio Grande market was owned by a very well respected Hispanic family. There were no Whites to be found on the East side, nor Hispanics, or Asians, or anyone who was not black, AND bearing a certain look about them. The people in nigger-town were a frightful oddity to my six-year-old mind, and never to the best of my recollection, were ever referred to as anything but “niggers.”

Two things about Black people stand out in my childhood memories of that era. Their teeth, and their cars. I somehow made a connection between gold teeth, and the men from nigger-town. It seemed, in my child’s mind, they all sported huge and evil grins, exaggerated to display the shiny gold crowns on one or more of their front teeth. I thought I could always spot blacks from nigger-town in this way, and I was scared to death of them. Those without the garish gold teeth seemed to me, to be just people. We worked with them in the cotton, went to school with them, and they were among the butchers and junk collectors who frequented our family farm in the course of business.

I can still close my eyes and conjure the vision of nigger-town folks congregated, not inside the buildings, but outside, around automobiles that lined the South side of Whitley Avenue. I remember my folks repeatedly talking about the predominance of Cadillacs always present in the lineup. There were, new Cadillacs, old beat up Cadillacs, and Cadillacs at seemingly every stage of decomposition between showroom and junkyard.

The occasional detour to exit town on the North side, took us through the black residential area, which I did not consider a part of nigger-town. However, I was always amused at the number of elaborate cars on blocks in the front yards, where they were apparently erected on cinder blocks as some sort of monument to the fact their owners had, at least for a fleeting moment, risen to Cadillac status.

The East side of that small town is long gone, replaced by vacant lots, industrial buildings, a small park, and a few very tidy little houses. Nevertheless, every time I see a black pimp on television, or a rapper of any color, clad in garish gold jewelry or fur, or sporting outlandish tattoos, with or without a wide brimmed Panama, or anyone displaying outlandish hubris, I am taken back to the piquant view of nigger-town from the side-rear window of our family car.

I am glad such language, in American society, has mostly gone the way of the dinosaur, but I have a great fear. Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more than a nobody, who is without benefit of experience or merit. He has been vaulted far above his earned status by a naïve and idealistic class of socialist leaning liberals, aided and abetted by an opportunistic MSM. Hopeful blacks have been coddled and lied to for so long, that they believe something is owed to them whether they earn it or not, and have become useful idiots and the final straw that has broken the back of our system of Republican self-governance.

The final insult to all of America, including the blacks who voted for him, is that Obama, with his garish display of hubris and unconscionable waste of money to honor himself in inauguration regalia for achieving Cadillac status, has set all of America back fifty years. I am so dismayed that I can’t help but wonder if we will soon see a couple of Cadillacs on blocks in front of the Whitehouse, and the glimmer of sparkling gold when he smiles for the press. While there is some hyperbole in all of this, I will never see an image, or hear the voice of Obama without thinking of the niggers of nigger-town who frightened me so as a child. That was an era of history I had hoped to never see again. I guess it does qualify as change though, doesn’t it? ~Neo


My friends, it is with a heavy heart that I write this — for my beloved country has steered a course I had hoped not to see in my lifetime. I now call for all who love our country to join me in girding up in opposition of the forthcoming socialist Obama administration.

I have frankly been sickened by the appeasement attitude that has washed across our land. I fully expected such from the MSM, but sadly, I have seen it also from among personal acquaintances, and some right here on Blogster who have acceded to treachery and the socialist agenda it has wrought. I ask you, if you opposed Obama before the election, did you have good cause? I did. Knowing that the race was only won by dishonest tactics and with the aid of the long socialist American news media, can you now swallow the idea that ‘The People’ have spoken? I cannot.

Obama was a liar and a socialist before the election, and he is a liar and a socialist now. Nothing has changed by virtue of a stolen election. I do not congratulate Obama on his larceny; I do not accept that he is rightful President elect of the United States of America. I vow and decree to you my fellow Americans, and to the world, that I will do everything within my power to oppose him, and to oppose any person, jurist, or politician who cooperates in turning over of America to Obama’s socialist agenda.

Here is a quote I picked up from the Michael Reagan Website: “There’s an old saying that you can’t be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant; get knocked up with a socialist fetus and you’ll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There’s nothing in between. Try it, you’ll like it, and if you don’t, as the lads in the Gestapo used to tell people, they had ways to make them like it.

Democracy in America has been violently raped, and the offending seed has taken root in freedom’s womb. The “full-born Marxist” fetus, Obama, is served with rancid afterbirth at the feast of American Liberty. Please tell me how you feel. Will you join me in righting this wrong, or will you too gorge on the putrid poison of an Obamanation.


This video is a must watch if you care about justice and virtue in the world. It is about Irena Sendlerowa, a real life hero for the annals of history:


I think Irena was a real hero. Please leave your thoughts about Irena and other heroes you have known. Please do not use this space to bash – In this post, I am looking for signs of goodness in humanity – we are already, all too aware of the bad. Thanks, -Neo